Eastbourne Local Lottery results

Draw results

Sat 15 Feb 2025
3 3 9 1 0 9

Matching numbers: You must match the first or last 2 to 6 numbers in a row to win!

Draw winners

Top prize 🏆
Eastbourne Allotments and Gardens Society
Mr H (EASTBOURNE) supporting Eastbourne Allotments and Gardens Society matched 3 numbers and won £25.00
Top prize 🏆
Eastbourne Community Fund
Mx O (Eastbourne) supporting Eastbourne Community Fund matched 3 numbers and won £25.00
Second prize
Parade Bowls club
Mx H (Eastbourne) supporting Parade Bowls club matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Ms P (EASTBOURNE) supporting Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Community Fund
Ms A (Eastbourne) supporting Eastbourne Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Children with Cancer Fund
Mrs G (CRAWLEY) supporting Children with Cancer Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Community Fund
Mr F (EASTBOURNE) supporting Eastbourne Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Muma Nurture
Mrs P (EASTBOURNE) supporting Muma Nurture matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Bird Aid
Mx B (Eastbourne) supporting Bird Aid matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Community Fund
Miss E (EASTBOURNE) supporting Eastbourne Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Education Business Partnership
Ms P (Robertsbridge) supporting Eastbourne Education Business Partnership matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Access Group
Ms B (EASTBOURNE) supporting Eastbourne Access Group matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Cancer Research UK, Eastbourne Committee
Ms I (EASTBOURNE) supporting Cancer Research UK, Eastbourne Committee matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
The Matthew 25 Mission
Mrs L (EASTBOURNE) supporting The Matthew 25 Mission matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Community Fund
Mx B (Eastbourne) supporting Eastbourne Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Sussex Police Charitable Trust
Mx W (Arundel) supporting Sussex Police Charitable Trust matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Community Fund
Ms G (Polegate) supporting Eastbourne Community Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
East Sussex Hearing
Mrs L (EASTBOURNE) supporting East Sussex Hearing matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
East Sussex Hearing
Mr B (HAILSHAM) supporting East Sussex Hearing matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Children with Cancer Fund
Mr D (EASTBOURNE) supporting Children with Cancer Fund matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Eastbourne Foodbank
Mrs P (EASTBOURNE) supporting Eastbourne Foodbank matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Friends of the Devonshire Park Theatre
Mr R (Eastbourne) supporting Friends of the Devonshire Park Theatre matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team
Ms K (Eastbourne) supporting Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Headway Sussex
Ms M (Crawley) supporting Headway Sussex matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets